seaturtles00's 🚨 information, links and images

AKA Kyle and Priscilla

Our Schedule

She is curvy ;-). Search and maybe you'll find tattoos on her body.

She is 21yo :). Currently we live in BIG APPLE. We can chat with you in english.

seaturtles00's room subject history:

2024-05-05: "back ❀️" , "Hotel Party πŸŽ‰ 🎊 🎈" , "new trying it out 69 help" , "new trying it out" , "" , "have fun" , "WE BACK β€οΈπŸ’•β˜ΊοΈ"

2024-04-28: "new" , "tokens to $$$$$ strip clubbbbb" , "facial" , "strip club tokens to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" , "STRIPCLUB TOKENS TO $$$$$$$$$$" , "CREAM PIE" , "strip club 1 tokem to $$$$$make it rain #latina #teen #young #cum #couple"

2024-04-21: "watch my dog brb" , "strip club 1 tokem to $20 make it rain #latina #teen #young #cum #couple" , "online strip club 1 tokem to $20 make it rain #latina" , "online strip club 1 tokem to $20" , "naked" , "strip club 1 token $20" , "strip club toesssssssssss"

2024-04-14: "toesssssssssss" , "ONLINE STRIP CLUB TOKENS TO CASH" , "ONLINE STRIP CLUB TOKENS TO CASH 1 TOKEN =$20" , "ONLINE STRIP CLUB TOKENS TO CASH LETSSSS GOOOOO" , "Play w/ us while we πŸ„πŸ„ token convert to cash" , "Play w/ us while we πŸ„πŸ„" , "lets chat, 420β€οΈπŸ’ πŸ’• #new"

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