I love to do: 指压板做爱, 如坐针毡/5分钟, 炸鲍鱼:Fried abalone, 抽红包:Draw red envelopes, 精油/酸奶 打飞机:hit a plane, 甩鸡鸡舞, 1号舞蹈:Dance No.1, 2号舞蹈:Dance No.2, 3号舞蹈:Dance No.3, 4号舞蹈:Dance No.4, 5号舞蹈:Dance No.5, 团舞:Group dance, 封麦:Sealing wheat, 跳蛋震动 可调节频率:Jumping Egg, 黑蒜:Black Garlic, 乳交气球:Milk exchange balloon, 胸爆气球:Chest burst balloon, 电逼:Electric pressure, 橡皮筋弹大腿:Bounce the thigh, 马杀鸡:massage, 吃洋葱:onion, 气球打嘴:Balloon pouting, 气球做爱:Balloon sex, 扯内裤:Pulling underwear, 水桶打屁股:Bucket spanking, 芥末:mustard, 人体洗衣机:washing machine, 口爆气球:Mouth bursting balloon, 乌龟转:Turtle turning, 容嬷嬷夹手指:Pinch your fingers, 蛙跳一圈:leap frog, 吹爆气球:Blow up balloons, 啤酒一杯:beer, 糖果:candy, 洋酒一杯:imported wine, 弹鲍鱼:Bullet abalone, 军训1分钟:military training, 面壁思过, 翠果!掌嘴:slap sb. in the face, 柠檬:lemon, 小零食:snack, 小奶茶:tea with milk, 苦瓜汁:Bitter Melon Juice, 七星灯:Seven star lamp, 指压板推鸡公车, 奶茶桶:Extra large cup of milk te, 刀山火海:most severe trials, 差不多蹲:Almost squatting, 接我回家:come home from school, 碾鲍鱼
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