LU-ximilu's 🗂 free live chat

I love to do: 加播1小时Work overtime for 1 hour, 在肩膀上写字(维持5分钟), 👣路过,踩一下👣passing by, 🧨嗨起来:dancing:带特效, 嗑个瓜子 Eat a melon seed, 喝水水💕drink water, 🎵点歌不唱🎵 order song, 💕唱首歌听听💕sing a song, 💕扔你一屏西红柿💕 带特效 throw tomatoes, 💕站起来看看今天美不美 stand up💕, 🐱发财的小手,招招 招起来~🐱attract fortu, 在椅子上转一圈Spin around on the chai, 打屁股3下 spank 3 times, 来杯爱心奶茶Please drink milk tea, 给你一砖头 带特效 smash bricks, 铜鼓一响,黄金万两 带特效 Beat drums , 💕送璐璐99朵郁金香 💕 99 flowers, 多穿一件衣服 wear a cloth, 📬私信📬PM, 原地小跑30秒 run , 反手摸肚脐 Touch navel with backhan, 秀秀大脚丫 show feet, 闭嘴1分钟 shut up , 开合跳5个jumping jacks, 💕扭腰舞1分钟💕twist the wiste, 模特站姿3分钟 stand like a model, 💃短舞蹈 “擦玻璃”|欧尼酱|shot gun💃, 绑个马尾看看(5分钟), 💕给哥哥们送祝福💕 带特效Send blessings, 穿丝袜(黑,白,灰可选)展示jumping jacks, 平板撑40秒, 模仿10种动物的叫声imitata nimals voice, 💕璐璐今天真好看💕so beautiful, ❤抱抱熊熊 2分钟 太可爱了吧❤hug the bear , 💕秀腿💕show leg, 💕穿件性感衣服或睡衣💕Change into pajam, 💕陪根烟💕smoking, 💕跳支舞(指定舞蹈,随机请参考转盘)sexy dance, 💕请璐璐吃份麻辣小龙虾💕Please eat crayf, 💕林深时见“鹿”💕 带特效 , 💕喜欢你💕LOVE YOU 带特效, 💕给LuLu来自SC一生一世的爱💕love you , 💕做你的骑士+V💕become your knight, 💕心疼lulu,休息一天吧💕rest for a day

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