I love to do: 💕打个招呼 say hi, 💕乐乐今天真好看 Beautiful today, 💕路过不白嫖 passing byNot in vain, 💕帅哥打卡处 Handsome guy check, 🥰眨眼飞吻Wink and blow a kiss, 💦喝水水Drink water, 💕PM私信悄悄话💌, 💕扎个高马尾Te ponytail (仆街仔專用), 💕扎高马尾, 💕点一首音乐, 💕撒娇叫哥哥 老公 3声Act coquettishly, 💕秀脚 foot, 💕站起来看身材Look at the figure, 💕诱惑伸舌头 stick out tongue, 💕上帝视角看沟沟Look cleavage, 💕嘟嘟嘴(Biuuuuuu专属), 💕穿性感丝袜 stocking!s, 💕起来扭一扭Get up and twist, 💞胸口画爱心+名字 draw heartshape, 😍狗狗趴式打屁屁x5 Spanking, 💕性感高跟鞋 sexy high heels, ✨开合跳五个Jumping jacks five, 💕把腿打开让哥哥进去~M腿 Legs open, ✨舔吸手指一分钟 Suck fingers, ✨木头人不许动1分钟 wooden man one min, 😋魅惑揉胸 Rub the chest, 💕送乐乐99朵玫瑰Send 99 roses to, 😋口球一分钟mouthball one min, 💕内裤塞嘴一分钟 Gag mouth with unde, 💕脱下衣衣比奶心 Boobs heart, 💖口交棒棒 Blowjob is great, 💕乳液涂抹任意一个部位Lotion anywhere, 😍脱一件(不漏点)Take off one piece, 😍性感裸背♡bare back, 😋换衣服 Change another suit, 💕看看内裤颜色 Look at the panties, 😋内裤勒小穴30秒 Play with panties, 💕隔内裤揉bb30秒caress clitoris 30s, 🍺陪喝半瓶啤酒Drink beer, 💖特别的爱给特别的你Love you💕, 💕小粉控制5分钟Control the little, 💕骑士的守护 👑Be my knight, 💕加乐乐绿泡泡 WeChat, 💕让乐乐下播休息一天
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