I love to do: 💖真好看关注了, 💖路過不白嫖Pass by. No, Bai Piao, 💖嘟嘟嘴親親Duduzui Qinqin, 💖真漂亮It's really beautiful tod, 💖點歌choose a song, 💖私信personal letter, 💖请丢丢喝甜甜的水A water, please, 💖加平台好友Add friends, 💖阿嘿顏Ahegao, 💖看看美腳Look at your feet., 💖舔手指誘惑, 💖穿絲襪看美腿Watch your legs, 💖站起来Stand up, 10-50秒隨機振動10-50s random vibrat, 💖叫老公Call a husband, 💖喜歡你Like you, 揉胸誘惑Rub your chest and seduce., 💖M腿M-leg, 💖脫一半打屁股5下Five spanks., 送99朵玫瑰花Send 99 flowers, 💖比奶心Than milk heart, 💖丢丢辛苦惹,投喂点水果吧, 💖宝宝换套衣服, 💖足交make love with feet, 💖口交oral sex, 💖脱掉胸罩Take off your bra, 💖乳夹Nipple clamp, 手揉小穴呻吟誘惑Knthe small points and, 💖脫掉內褲Take off your underwear, 💖丟丟,我愛你。I love you, 控制玩具3分鐘Control the toy for 3 m, 💖送丟丟一個跑車Send a sports car, 💖无内肉棒蹭小穴, 💖做丟丟的黃金騎士Be a knight, 💍送丢丢钻戒Send a diamond ring, 💖送丢丢2222朵玫瑰花🌹, 💖永不失联的爱 加WeChat, 💖心疼丟丟,早點下播Sow early, 💖心疼丟丟,讓丟丟休息一天, 💖让宝宝开心一整天💖
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