I love to do: 🥰打个招呼 say hi, 😍妳今天太美了吧 You are so beautiful, 🌷请宝贝喝水 drink water, ✨点一首音乐 take of music, 😋吐舌+抛媚眼 stick out tongue+wink, 💌PM私信(私人问题大厅不回复), 🥰眨眼飞吻Wink and blow a kiss , 😊舔肩Suck, 🥰撒娇叫老公 Call husband, ✨可爱三连拍 Cute triple shot, 👠高跟鞋秀大长腿 look foot, 🥰胸口画爱心/写哥哥名字 write your name , 🌷站起来扭一扭 Stand up and twist, 🎆木头人两分钟, 😍翘臀扭扭屁股 twist your butt, 👣看看脚脚 feet, 😘请尼莫喝奶茶milk tea, 🌸小粉随机菜单转到29秒送两分钟控制, 🌷选一首舞蹈 Dance, 🎀穿个丝袜看看 stockings, 😋魅惑揉胸 Rub the chest , 😋高潮脸, 🌷性感M字腿 M leg, 😍看看内裤颜色🤩 Underwear color, 😋换衣服Change another suit💥, 😍控制小粉3分钟 control lovense 3min, ❤️最爱宝贝啦, ✨骑士守护👑Be my knight , ✨加私人V WeChat , 💗休息度过美好的一天吧 love you, 小狗趴打屁股 doggy sdank, 哥哥的精华在熊熊上 spit milk on boobs, 坐哥哥腿上抖85E巨乳 shake 85E boobs, 开合跳5下 jjacking jump 5times, 第一视角口交大jj blow job, tit fuck 酸奶乳胶舔老公牛奶
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