ViVi-188's 🌷 online stream

I love to do: 🥰帅哥来啦打个招呼~ say hi, 😍妳今天太美了吧 You are so beautiful, 🌷请宝贝喝水 drink water, ✨点一首音乐 take of music, 😋吐舌+抛媚眼 stick out tongue+wink, 💌PM私信(私人问题大厅不回复), 🥰撒娇叫老公 Call husband, 👠秀大长腿 look foot, ✨随机抽中36秒 送2分钟小粉控制, 🍺饮酒了喂~(啤酒随机喝多少), 🌷站起来扭一扭 Stand up and twist, 🌷扎马尾Tie ponytail, 🚭禁烟\🚬抽烟 no somking\somking, 🥰哼一首拿手的歌 Sing a song, 😋色色舔手指Lick your fingers, 🌷罚站木头人2分钟不许动 stand up 2 min, 😍狗狗趴式打屁屁×5 Spanking, 😋上帝视角看沟沟~~Look cleavage , 🌹随机舞蹈~, 😋魅惑揉胸 Rub the chest, 😍魅惑顶胸 Charming top chest, 🌷性感M字腿 M leg, 白酒来一口~(53°), 😍看看内裤颜色🤩 Underwear color, 😜换套衣服~, 😍控制小粉3分钟 control lovense 3min, M腿隔内裤揉bb30秒caress clitoris 30s, 🐱给猫猫主播买好吃的~, ✨骑士守护👑Be my knight, ✨加私人V WeChat, 💗休息度过美好的一天吧 love you

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