I love to do: 1号加油,支持你哦Come on, number one., 2号加油,支持你哦Come on, number two., 3号加油,支持你哦Come on, three. I get, 指定一人光影脱衣舞Designate one light s, 集体舞蹈Ensemble dance , 告白情话50字Confession of love in 5, 叫老公或宝宝Call me honey or baby, 画脸painting the face, 一人边跳舞边揉胸Dance and rub your che, 指定一人禁麦5分钟, 疯狂转盘Crazywheel , 木头人30秒wooden man, 弹大腿slap thighs, 开天眼Open the Heavenly Eye, 筋膜枪震鲍鱼1分钟, 高配揉胸Good with chest rub, 狂暴扯内裤Panty ripping, 高配揉屁股Rub one's ass, 筷子夹乳头Chopstick nipple, 人体洗衣机20圈指定一人Designate one pers, 弹胸3下Pop your chest three times, 背人走指压板, 胸滴蜡Chest drop wax, 屁股滴蜡Butt wax, 水桶打屁股3下Bucket spanking, 上家法(棍子打屁股3下)Family method (3 s, 胸部套餐(揉胸、滴蜡、胸爆、电胸、抽胸), 屁股套餐(扯内裤、家法、滴蜡、皮鞭、电击), 胸爆气球Chest pop balloon, 气球炸鲍鱼Balloon fried abalone, 弹鲍鱼(3下) Candy Ball Abalone (, 弹主持人鸡鸡3下Pop the host's cock th, 奖励鸡腿, 奖励火腿肠.果冻.辣条, 抽根烟have a smoke, 喝杯醋Have a glass of vinegar, 吃芥末I hate eating mustard /, 奖励颗糖Bonus candy, 指定一人喝一小杯白酒, 奖励一瓶牛奶Reward a bottle of milk, 喝杯奶茶Have a cup of milk tea , 奖励炸鸡汉堡套餐 Bonus fried chicken b, 添加指定主播联系方式 Add the contact inf
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