YHgirl111's 🖱 live chat

I love to do: 1号跳舞Dancing number 1, 2号跳舞Dancing number 2, 3号跳舞Dancing number 3, 4号跳舞Dancing number 4, 5号跳舞Dancing number 5, 封麦, 跳小指压板Little finger press board, 吃芥末eat mustard, 吃柠檬eat lemon, 吃辣椒eat chili, 吃花椒Eat Sichuan peppercorns, 吃臭豆腐Eat stinky tofu, 开天眼Open your eyes, 水桶打屁股, 气球打嘴, 扯内裤Rip panties, 喝醋 Be jealous, 疯狂转盘Crazy spinner, 吃辣椒酱Eat Chili sauce, 打脚底板Foot soles, 皮筋弹脚心, 口爆气球Oral popping balloon, 吃酒Eat wine, 乌龟转, 吃苦瓜Eat bitter gourd, 铁锅炖大鹅Pot-stewed goose, 电疗仪5秒Electrotherapy device, 贴墙胸爆气球, 屁股滴蜡Ass dripping wax, 跳大指压板Jump big acupressure boar, 吃一颗糖eat a candy, 扯丝袜Pulling stockings, 弹弓加棒棒糖弹B, 喝一瓶奶drink a bottle of milk, 吃鸡蛋eat eggs, 棍子抬扯内裤, 吃泡面Eat instant noodles, 白酒一杯, 零食一包snacka pack of, 筋膜枪一分钟Fascia gun for one minut, 电疗仪一分钟Electrotherapy device, 喝一杯奶茶drink a cup of milk tea, 差不多蹲, 柠檬一颗, 主播Plus anchors, 送花花Send flowers, 整场带口球The whole ball with mouth, 点主持人出镜Click on the host to app, 让一个女孩回家Let a girl go home

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