I love to do: 亲吻KISS, 路过支持Support you, 私信 PM, 爱的拥抱Love hug, 伸出舌头Stick out your tongue, 喜欢我 Like me, 舔手指Lick fingers, 请晶晶喝水Please drink water., 开合双腿6次Open and close the legs , 站起来坐下5次Stand up and sit down 5, 脱掉鞋子Take off shoes., 展示内裤show panties, 秀足Show feet, 随机超高震Random ultra-high earthqu, 弄湿不要停 Don't stop getting wet., 好想操我 want to fuck me, 打屁股(无人时做)Spank assX5, Take off the stockings., 看屁股Watch the ass, 阴部特写Pubic close-up, 看胸Look at the breasts, 震乳头lush Shocking nipples, Look at chrysanthemum, control lush 3 minutes, 手指在阴道3分钟Fingers in the vagina , Control lush5minutes , Control lush10minutes , 我的愿望和爱My wish and love, 帮助学业Help with studies, Naked for 3 minutes
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