I love to do: 新年红包-心想事成, 1号跳舞Dancing number 1, 2号跳舞Dancing number 2, 3号跳舞Dancing number 3, 4号跳舞Dancing number 4, 5号跳舞Dancing number 5, 集体舞蹈group dance, 性感脱衣舞 单人xy striptease, 2025年第一束玫瑰花(33朵, 2025年第一束玫瑰花(99朵), 暖冬套餐(耳罩、手套、围巾、拖鞋), 爱心午餐 , 舔脚, 种草莓, 高配揉胸 Rub breasts, 理疗仪 electric shock device, 筋膜枪打咪咪头 fascia gun, 气球打鲍鱼 Balloon in vagina, 筋膜枪打鲍鱼 fascia gun, 电击 electric shock, 高配扯内裤pull underwear, 口爆气球 Oral popping balloon, 胸爆气球 chest burst balloon, 跳小指压板Little finger press board, 跳大指压板Jump big acupressure boar, 喝醋Be jealous, 抽烟 smoke, 吃芥末eat mustard, 吃柠檬eat lemon, 吃辣椒eat chili, 吃臭豆腐Eat stinky tofu, 乌龟转 turtle turn, 铁锅炖大鹅 Braised goose in iron p, 吃一颗糖eat a candy, 喝一瓶牛奶drink a bottle of milk, 零食一包 A pack of snacks, 喝一杯奶茶drink a cup of milk tea, 啤酒 beer, 苦瓜汁(一包), 全家桶 kfc family bucket, 水果拼盘 Fruit platter, 滴蜡dripping wax, 眼罩 eye mask, 狗链 dog leash, 口球 mouthball, 皮鞭打屁股 spanking, 拖鞋打胸 Chest, 肛塞Anal plug, 6号跳舞Dancing number 6
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