I love to do: 🩷 Hello, lovely Amy🩷, 🩷wink for me 🩷, 🩷 PM🩷, 🩷smile and blow a kiss🩷, 🩷 play my song🩷, 🩷 eye contact🩷, 🩷 show me your outfit🩷, 🩷turn around🩷, 🩷link control 5 mins 🩷, 🩷 show legs🩷, 🩷 show belly🩷, 🩷hot pic🩷, 🩷say naughty thing to me🩷, 🩷thank you for your beauty🩷, 🩷wear heels for me 🩷, 🩷 be my boyfriend 🩷, 🩷 buy me flowers🩷, 🩷 if you like what you see🩷, 🩷day off for sweet Amelia🩷, 🩷drink water 🩷, 🩷 i love you 🩷, 🩷lie on sofa 1 min🩷, 🩷buy me a new dress 🩷
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