I love to do: 情人节惊喜surprised, 情人节的大惊喜, 爱你没道理💖love you, 美丽的笑容 - beautiful smile , PM私信, 一份也是爱, 喂CC喝水水Drink more water💕💕, CC每天美美哒CC beautiful😍😍😍😍😍, 点一首你喜欢的歌And song🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶, 弹肩带Elastic shoulder strap, CC站起来看看身材Stand up, 性感舔手指Sexy finger licking, 看腋下😂Look at the underarms, 看CC35码的脚脚Look at the feet, 性感舔舔肩膀Shoulder licking, 秀美腿Show legs, 画猫脸Cat face painting, 打屁屁5下Spank five times, 这件衣服不好看,换一件, 深蹲5个, 魅惑M腿Charm M legs, 胸口写名字👍👍👍👍👍👍, 送CC99朵玫瑰🌹flowers, 送CC口红,以后不再穷😘😘😘😘😘, 999朵玫瑰🌹The rose, 赞助买丝袜, 做CC的骑士The knight🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞, CC辛苦了提前下班哦, 让cc休息一天rest🐱🏍🐱🏍🐱🏍🐱
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